Ginsburg’s historic memorial service

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi briefly spoke before opera singer Denyce Graves, a favorite of Ginsburg, sang in tribute to the late justice.

“Pursuing justice took resilience, persistence, a commitment to never stop,” said Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, who eulogized Ginsburg today and at the Supreme Court memorial service on Wednesday.

“Today we stand in sorrow and tomorrow we the people must carry on Justice Ginsburg’s legacy. Even as our hearts are breaking, we must rise with her strength and move forward.”

09:45 ET – Trump drug benefit promise is not funded

President Donald Trump on Thursday made a late-campaign promise to send $200 coupons for prescription drugs to the 33 million Americans that take part in Medicare, but there is a hitch: The $6.6bn needed to fund those coupons have not been allocated.

Stat News points out it is unclear whether this programme will be implemented considering it is Congress, not the White House, that dictates spending of taxpayer money and the White House has not said where they would come up with the funds for it.

In addition, the proposal has not even been worked out, Stat News reported. It is just an idea that is still in the planning stages. The New York Times reported the Trump administration tried to partner with the pharmaceutical industry on a similar $100 coupon card but the industry turned them down.

Due to the pandemic and new voting rules, more than 28 million mail-in and absentee ballots have been requested across the US to date with another 43 million set to go out automatically, shattering records, according to a CNN survey.

After checking in with election offices in 42 states and the District of Columbia, the survey reveals the number of ballots set to be distributed already exceeds the 50 million or so mail ballots cast in 2016. It is worth noting that it is certain every ballot requested so far this year will not be returned.

There are 1.3 million more ballot requests from registered Democrats than from Republicans in the battleground states that report data by party registration. However, this is far from a predictor of overall turnout and it also does not indicate whom those registered voters are voting for.

While these will be the first fundraisers the two have taken part in, they did record a video last month and Obama held two fundraisers with Biden in June that brought in a reported $11m.

One of the Obama-Harris fundraisers will be for small donors. Tickets for the other are selling for $100,000-250,000.
